Circular Design Sytems


Product Design


Human-Computer Interaction Systems

My work explores the symbiosis between humanity and technology across the following platforms: Apps (experiences for handheld mobile devices) • Mixed Reality (experiences for application across AR/VR) • Websites (UI and visual identity systems for websites) • HMI (Human-machine interaction concepts and research)



Circular Design Systems
Exploring more circular materials for application at the product scale with bio polymers and built-environment with concrete alternatives. 


Biomaterials | Product Design
Personalized passenger experiences on shared mobility.


Today’s technology limits passenger experiences
on shared mobility, pushing many towards
personal vehicles.

Food waste, particularly from shellfish produces 6-8 million tons as the annual global production of shrimp waste, crab and lobster shells. Chitin can be derived from these shells and it is the 2nd most abundant organic material on the planet.


How might we create more personalized passenger experiences on shared mobility in 2050?

Here, I’m experimenting with biopolymers and bio plastics for possible applications at the product scale. Variations in quantity of the gelatin made the material stronger while higher amounts of glycerin made it more flexible.

Meg Jackson & Michael Gonzales (Biomaterials)
Andrew Kudless (Computational Design)

Research Partners
Calvin (Hao-En) Sun

Computational Design


University of Houston
College of Architecture & Design
Houston, TX, USA
Stock Photography

CC Iconography


Concrete Alternatives | Built-Environemt
Personalized passenger experiences on shared mobility.


Today’s technology limits passenger experiences
on shared mobility, pushing many towards
personal vehicles.

Three key pain points were identified from user interviews and studies regarding current car sharing and rental service experiences. Those pain points are high costs for short-term rentals, limited availability of vehicles, and complex pick-up and drop-off logistics.
95% of EVs are spent parked for up to 22 hours, while tourists are opting out of transactional car rental services for more personalized car borrowing experiences. We saw an opportunity to connect idling EV owners with tourists looking for a personal vehicle for a few hours.


How might we create more personalized passenger experiences on shared mobility in 2050?

Our service offers a hyper-local solution to car sharing focused on connecting tourists with locals with an affordable and seamless experience. We have refined our business model to keep costs low and dedicate capital to developing our service.
EV Near Me offers a better experience for riders. From competitive analysis and a business model canvas, three key differentiators were identified setting this service apart from competitors on the market.


Crafting a clear user journey and business model for MVP 1.

Two user groups were identified: EV owners willing to lend their vehicles when not in use and tourists in need of a vehicle for a short-term. From user survey results, it was discovered that the target user group for tourists should be in the middle class demographic and 25-30s age range as these individuals tend to travel more for work trips, and personal travels.

Additionally, the in-car punch-through UI feature was replaced with an in-app AR experience. Incorporating AR improves viability of the product as punch through UI technology would’ve required more resources to implement.


Validating the design with users and use-cases.

User testing of the initial low-fidelity and mid-fidelity prototypes, users mentioned that the AI assistant feature alone was not enough for the onboarding phase. This finding led to refinement of the AI assistant to more specific stages in the onboarding stage.

Refining high-fidelity prototypes involved incorporating user feedback to enhance usability, design, and functionality. By testing interactive prototypes with target users, insights were gathered to improve features like onboarding flows, AI assistant integration, and the AR experience. These changes were made to ensure MVP 1 of the app meets user needs and expectations.


Hand-off prep & next steps.

From user testing sessions in collaboration with my research partner, Clavin, and feedback from Professor Chritine, I gained great insights on ways to further refine my initial wireframes and moved on to the final design phase. As I made these refinements, I tried to develop a consistent visual language for the mobile app’s UI. I plan to continue refining the UI and refine the UI kit for hand-off to a developer.

This project challenged me to think about the user experience in a digital (app) and physical environment (electric vehicle). I collaborated with a felow grad student and learned about designing for AR. I delved into the technology behind punch-though UI. Next steps include exploring punch through UI and how it could be incorporated to the concept along with the AR feature. I would also like to conduct more user testing sessions with a refined MVP 1 prototype before handing off to a developer.

Christine Montalbano

Research Partner
Calvin (Hao-En) Sun

Design Thinking (DGR-635)


College for Creative Studies
MFA Department
Detroit, MI
Stock Photography

CC Iconography

Special Thanks
Jill Davis
A huge thank you to my studiomates who helped bring this idea to life! ︎